Gone flat? Burned out? Disconnected? Over-whelmed? It could be a fundamental imbalance.
Get moving and shaking with a Four Elements shamanic workout.
Work with the Four Elements and be inspired again. Get perspective and insight on what to do and the oomph to do it.
Wisdom, cacao, meditation and movement in safe and sacred space.
Feel safe to feel. Touch the depths of your being and let yourself flow. Find space in your body for growth in life.
No experience or preparation needed. Come and work it out!
sat 31 august
Let the gentle spirit of cacao warm your heart.
Elemental is a safe and fun shamanic workout that's open to anyone. No special experience or preparation is needed.
We'll serve cacao, inviting this gentle spirit to warm our hearts and relax mind and body.
Work with each Element in turn, in guided meditations and movement to our awesome bespoke soundtrack.
Sitting, standing, stretching, breathing, moving and feeling, you'll be in your element.
Be in your element
Work with Air, Fire, Water and Earth to reshape your world.
Warm your heart
Get all four chambers buzzing with the gentle spirit of cacao.
Wise up
Learn the simple yet deep ways of the Four Elements.
Shift frequency
Guidance, breath, meditation and movement to hit those higher octaves.
Sacred space
Hold and be held in sacred space with likeminded souls. Feel safe to feel.
Meet the invisible element that goes everywhere and knows everything.
Clear your head, spread your wings and get inspiration and clarity on what you need to do.
From mitochondria in every cell to every star in the sky, Fire is the driving force of life.
Fan the flames of passion and take a leap of faith. Let Fire ignite your creative spirit and light the path ahead.
Perhaps the most mysterious element, Water is moving and still, powerful and gentle.
Soften into your depths and let the feelings flow. Let Water refresh and nourish body and soul.
The deeper our roots the taller we stand. Earth stands for integration, embodiment and community.
Get into your body and onto the planet. Let Earth nurture and support your next steps.
Designer of transformations. Highly experienced in Amazonian, Andean, Eastern and Western modalities, Nizami is dedicated to using his various skills as ceremonialist, teacher, writer, designer and musician to help people transform and come together.
He is excited by Natural Wisdom Co's online and real world happenings, which make esoteric teachings available to everyone, and offer a path of initiation for those who ready to deepen natural wisdom.
He has shared many adventures with Davina, from the forests of the UK to the jungles of Peru.
Find out more about Nizami at his website.
Hay House author of Feng Shui Made Easy and The Dream Whisperer, feng shui maestra, shamanic seer and mentor, Davina has inspired miracles of positive transformation in people’s lives for more than 25 years. A popular workshop leader and speaker, she offers her Wisdom that Works consultations to thousands of clients all over the world.
Her love of adventure has seen her leading retreats among the Q'ero communities of the high mountains of Peru for the last 20 years. She recently returned to the UK after two years caretaking 47 hectares of rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon. Davina is based in the UK. Find out more about her at her website.
sat 31 august
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