Elemental Wisdom is an online journey with the Four Elements. Study and practice at your own pace to restore inner balance and find flow and ease in the world.
Get to know each Element in turn with video tutorials, in-depth lessons, contemplation exercises and guided meditations.
Practice rituals, undertake shamanic missions and build a daily practice to apply the wisdom of the elements to life's many challenges.
too little
You need inspiration, clarity and perspective
Thoughts are aligned with action and service.
too much
Overthinking leads to anxiety and inaction.
too little
You lack the confidence to get started, let alone finish.
Passion and drive comes naturally to everything.
too much
Overreach leads to burnout and burnt bridges.
too little
You feel numb and disconnected.
You're in flow and at ease with your feelings.
too much
You're weighed down with difficult emotions.
too little
You lack the structure to bring your ideas to fruition.
You organise life to nurture and support your purpose.
too much
You're stuck in the mud or lost in the details.
Audio meditations you can practice any time.
Associated with intellect, communication, freedom and change, air is a symbol of the mind and its capacity for objective thought. It is also breath, which connects the physical and spiritual realms. Air transmits energy and information across the world. With its higher perspective, it is a powerful ally for transformation.
Fire represents the spark of life, creativity, and the inner light that drives passion and purpose. Fire is active and consuming and can purify and destroy. Invoke the intensity of fire to burn off old patterns and leap into the dance of freedom.
Associated with the moon and the mysteries of life, water represents the feminine principle. It is flexible, receptive and capable of assuming any shape. We call on water's feminine qualities of empathy, intuition and dreaming to transform subconscious patterns.
Earth symbolizes the material world, the body and the foundations of life. It represents stability, reliability and the realm of the senses. Earth is solid and dependable, giving a sense of security. Working with Earth, we build patience, practicality, and the capacity to care for and nurture others.
Powerful rituals for connecting to each Element.
The Mesa of Alchemy synthesises the four elements, the mesa and the Gene Keys by Richard Rudd, an evolutionary transmission for these times of change.
Each Key is a trinity of frequencies: Shadow, Gift and Siddhi (spirit). While Shadow and Siddhi are archetypes, your journey from one to the other is your unique expression of the Gift.
Each month you will work with one of the four keys at the cornerstones of your energetic being. The Mesa of Alchemy maps these keys to your mesa, which becomes an evolving portrait of your inner universe.
As you contemplate each Gene Key, you will see your tendency to get stuck at lower frequencies, and gain insight into how you can attain and sustain the higher frequencies of your gifts.
Get out there with eeal world shamanic missions
Be in your element
Work with air, fire, water and earth to harmonise these powerful shamanic archetypes that shape your inner world.
Build your mesa
The mesa or shamanic altar is an ancient instrument of personal power. Use it to anchor the transformations of the journey.
Unlock your genius
Work with the Gene Keys to bring compassion to your shadows and unlock their gifts.
Circle up
Build supportive relationships in our private online community and be deeply seen and heard throughout the journey and beyond.
The gift of giving
Discover the the gifts built into your DNA, and the joy of manifesting their frequency.
Got a question?
Designer of transformations. Highly experienced in Amazonian, Andean, Eastern and Western modalities, Nizami is dedicated to using his various skills as ceremonialist, teacher, writer, designer and musician to help people transform and come together.
He is excited by Natural Wisdom Co's online and real world happenings, which make esoteric teachings available to everyone, and offer a path of initiation for those who ready to deepen natural wisdom.
He has shared many adventures with Davina, from the forests of the UK to the jungles of Peru.
Find out more about Nizami at his website.
Hay House author of Feng Shui Made Easy and The Dream Whisperer, feng shui maestra, shamanic seer and mentor, Davina has inspired miracles of positive transformation in people’s lives for more than 25 years. A popular workshop leader and speaker, she offers her Wisdom that Works consultations to thousands of clients all over the world.
Her love of adventure has seen her leading retreats among the Q'ero communities of the high mountains of Peru for the last 20 years. She recently returned to the UK after two years caretaking 47 hectares of rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon. Davina is based in the UK. Find out more about her at her website.
To have faith is to trust yourself to the water.
Alan Watts
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