What are you here to do? 

What is essential? 

What is in the way?

What makes you come alive?

What are you afraid of?

Do you trust life?

Do you trust you?

What are you here to do? 

What is essential? 

What is in the way?

What makes you alive?

What are you afraid of?

Do you trust life?

Do you trust you?

These questions
turn keys in your DNA.

Doors will open.


What if deep connection to the forces of nature could transform your life?

What if you could break old patterns and start living your dreams? 

What if you forged deep and lasting connections with others? What could we build together? 

Combining online and real world retreats, NWIV is a path to personal and collective transformation.



Mesa of Alchemy image of Apu Salkantay

Gateway to NWIV, the Mesa of Alchemy online retreat launches in December 2023. Join up to 21 others on a shamanic journey to the four corners of your inner universe. Work with the four elements, the mesa and the Gene Keys to unlock the genius of your natural wisdom.

Mesa of Mastery image of green jaguar

Mesa of Mastery real world retreats in the UK and other locations launch in 2024. Shamanic initiations and transformational work, vision quests, sweat lodges, constellations and deep meditations with the teachers of the forest.

Lifetime access to our private online community, Threads of the Weave. Connect with likeminded souls and tune into exclusive sessions with Davina, Nizami and special guests. Join via the Mesa of Alchemy.

We love to hear from travellers on the path. If you have something to offer that aligns with our work and supports the shift in collective consciousness, we'd love to hear about it.

Start Today
GAteway to nwiv
Niz and Davina

Your guides

Nizami Elé

Designer of transformations. Highly experienced in Amazonian, Andean, Eastern and Western modalities, Nizami loves using his skills as ceremonialist, teacher, writer and musician to help people heal, grow and evolve.

Davina Mackail

Wisdom Walker, walking in open dialogue with Nature, Hay House author, shamanic seer, Feng Shui Maestra with over 25 years’ experience. Davina helps thousands of clients all over the world transform challenges and find joy and faith in life.

About Us
Adventure is what happens when the human spirit breaks free from the mind. Richard Rudd
Astrolabe graphic


A unique opportunity to explore esoteric knowledge and at the same time transform unhelpful mental and emotional patterns. If you're prepared to be unflinchingly honest with yourself and are committed to change, guided by two authentic and empathic guides, you'll find the space and tools to rewrite your story and start moving differently in the world.

Robert, shiatsu therapist
natural wisdom leaders 2018

Profound and soul enriching. It took me on a journey to my soul through shamanic wisdom and practices and a process of growth, release and rebirth that  resonates and sustains me six years later. I wholeheartedly recommend .

fiona,intuitive & colour practitioner

One glorious shift I experienced  was that I found my true voice. It continues to enrich my life in profound ways.

Helen, bikram yoga teacher
natural wisdom leaders 2018

Natural Wisdom Leaders was a turning point in my life. It instilled a sense of the world as a magical place I participate in and belong to. That's a precious gift!

bradley, shamanic practitioner
natural wisdom leaders 2018

It guided me on a path to accepting myself, free from shame and self criticism, and finding joy in all sorts of situations. From being a servant to being in service to the greatest whole, knowing who I am and what I stand for. I built relationships which feel like family. We continue to meet, have fun, and dream and create a better future together.

Petr, builder and sacred fire keeper
natural wisdom leaders 2017


NWIV is the fourth evolution of our shamanic self-mastery programme, Natural Wisdom Leaders.

For info about NWL and NWIV for graduates please check this page.

To have faith is to trust yourself to the water.
Alan Watts

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We're going places! From the back garden to the ends of the Earth, we love connecting with kindred spirits.

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