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green jaguar peering from foliage

What we do

We offer courses, workshops and retreats to help people find freedom and purpose in life.

We envision a world where success is measured by the health of the planet and its communities.

Our work is founded on relationship with Nature and the transformative power of the human heart.  

About Us


sat 31 august


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Gone flat? Burned out?  Disconnected? 
It could be down to a fundamental imbalance.

Breathe, move and get your mojo back with our Four Elements shamanic workout.

Get clarity on what you need to do and the oomph to do it. Feel the feels, embody well-being and find your flow.  

Get to grips with the elements of being.
online COURSE

Start your journey into natural wisdom with the Four Elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth.  

Guided contemplations and meditations, somatic workouts and shamanic missions for clarity, energy, flow and purpose.

Journey to the four corners of your inner universe.
online retreat

This powerful online initiation is not for everyone. To descend into the labyrinth and return with the elixir of freedom takes courage and commitment.

Work with the Four Elements, the shamanic mesa and the Gene Keys and unlock your natural wisdom.

Find your place in the world.
Niz and Davina

Natural wisdom

Much has been written about these times, from the archaic revival inspired by indigenous peoples, to modern retellings of myth and prophecy.

It's a time of divergence—of left from right, us from them. Yet this polarisation reveals divides as two sides of the same coin. 

When we balance inner equations, we integrate left and right, us and them. We find harmony and flow.

We become instruments of evolution, tuned to the unfathomable power of the heart. Work with us and discover the power of your natural wisdom.

Davina & Nizami signature

Let's connect

From the back garden to the ends of the Earth, we love connecting with kindred spirits. Follow us on social media or join our mailing list. You can unsubscribe any time.  

Natural Wisdom news

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